At the glittering, Oscars – style Southampton City College awards ceremony in November, J&B Hopkins was selected to receive 1 of just 2 Employer Recognition Awards.
These awards recognise businesses, from across the region, that have consistently shown a commitment towards the training and personal development of their own workforce as well as supporting college student’s development through providing support such as work experience and careers advice.
Phil Lambden, Managing Director of J&B Hopkins said;
This is terrific recognition of the Company’s desire to invest in our staff and the community. ‘Well done’ to all staff, trainees and apprentices for representing the Company in a way that has been recognised externally and for the positive energy given which has been clearly identified by the panel of award judges at the College.
The Company is very much geared to continue to provide opportunities to young people starting off in their careers as well as to delivering progressive training through all means possible to all staff and at all levels.